
Monday, January 19, 2015

Changes to Registration Extended to March 15, 2015. Last day to Register, April 15, 2015. No at door Registrations.

Not that there was going to be any doubt, the Class of "75" 40 yr reunion is officially on. As of January 16th, we exceeded the minimum number agreed upon to secure the Mazatlan Restaurant. The reunion committee would like to thank those who registered early in order to accomplish this.

We would like to update you on a few important changes and deadlines.
1. Due to the continued response coupled with the fact we are still finding more classmates, your committee has decided to extend the $20 registration fee to March 15th
2. Last Day to Register is April 15, 2015
3. No "At Door" Registration. You must be pre-registered and paid.

For those of you who are still considering whether to attend, consider no more, this reunion is going to be off the hook fun. We are planning to add an all day event with more details to follow. 

We would also like to ask you to help by letting us know of any other classmates you know that have not been contacted. 

Please feel free to voice any suggestions or concerns regarding the reunion and continue to follow our progress on the blog link listed below. 

Finally, we would like to invite you to any reunion planning meeting, Thursday, January 22, 2015 @ the Mazatlan Restaurant in Puyallup. The fun is just beginning. 

Our warmest Regards,
Class of "75"Reunion Committee

‘We‘re the Greatest Class Alive
Victory Rules For ‘75’

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Thun Barn in Graham, WA

Remember this? The Thun Barn still stands on the property, although it is for sale along with a large parcel that borders Meridian just south of 224th. My step-dad, John Thun let Terry Bohrer, and me (Lisa Hess Elliott) have a senior celebration party there. It was home to many other adult Halloween parties in the future. This art was made after I had visited it in September, 2013. It is about ready to fall down. I thought I should capture it for posterity.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Next Planning Meeting, Thursday, January 22 @ 6 pm. Mazatlan Restaurant Downtown Puyallup

Take a Look a Who is Attending...

Take a look at who is attending the reunion May 16, 2015. It's so encouraging to see our number grow each day.  Why not give a former classmate a New Year's call to urge them to come. Do you see anyone on the right you may know? Our goal is to reach out to as many people as we can.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

A Message from Your Reunion Committee

Good morning and Happy New Year fellow classmates. Now that the holidays have come and passed your 40 year class reunion committee is back to work contacting classmates and planning for the big event in May and you are the lucky ones that I have the pleasure of contacting. The response has been very positive up to this point and looks like we are going to have a very good turn out. The deadline for securing the restaurant is soon approaching (January 16th), and if we take those who have already registered and those who have given an oral commitment we will far exceed the amount agreed on. If you are planning on attending could please take the time and register before the January 16th deadline it would be very much appreciated and for those of you that are still undecided please consider on attending, it's gong to be FAR OUT!!! If you have questions or concerns please do not hesitate contacting me. Also if would like to get involved in some way our next meeting will be January 8th at Audrey Wilson Looker's house. Thank you all for your interest and looking forward to hearing from you. Another update will follow after our next meeting.
 Your Reunion Committee
  PHS Class of '75