
Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Decoration Committee Update

Thinking back, remember how it was your junior year of high school? 
The plans you made two years in advance, helped form your destiny...

That's how this reunion planning is playing out. Going on the theme "Old School 1975", the decoration committee has started work on recreating ideas and memorabilia for our 50th Reunion with a goal of turning Waller Road Grange into Hanawalt Pavilion, June 5, 1975.

After canceling our 45th, Terri Martin and Lisa Hess had fun this past weekend as they recreated retro ASB cards for classmates.

You won't want to miss this reunion, it will be beyond amazing!
Save the Date
May 17, 2025

Thank you to the creative minds of our decoration committee.
As the song goes... we've only just begun..